Tuesday 30 June 2015


I'm currently in the Thai capital city of Bangkok where tomorrow, I will be starting the last leg of my world tour in Australia!

Since I last posted, I spent my time travelling through Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia before a relaxing time on the island of Bali! 

It's been about 2 months since my last post so get ready for a lot of photos!


 Beautiful waterfalls!

Stalactites and stalagmites. Which is which? 


water puppet show

Tunnels that Vietnamese soldiers built during the Vietnam War - people had to sleep, eat and even go to school in the tunnels!!


(update) I arrived in Sydney a few days ago and it is much colder than I have been used to in Asia! It is around 18 degrees in the day but when I arrived in the morning it was about 10 degrees! But I am flying to the North-East of the country to a place called Cairns tomorrow, which is in the Tropics, so it should be nice and hot there!

This will probably be my last post before you all leave so I want to wish you all the best for the Summer holidays and good luck to those of you who are leaving! I will see you when school starts again in September!

Mr Dienn